Here are some random photos from my trip to the USA. My trip back to Finland took 24 hours total from East Greenwich, Rhode Island to Tampere, Finland where I live. While travelling, I had lots of time to go through all the things that have happened during the past two weeks - it feels like forever since I left home!
When we got to NYC, there was a tornado. I wondered why the taxi line was so long as I never had had to wait like that. This was the reason... if the taxi line had been any shorter, this could have been our taxi! The tornado had hit the same highway we drove just about 5-10 minutes earlier.

Chelsea Star Hotel, also known by "rathole". Not a very nice place to stay in - but cheap enough for 10 nights. Accommodation in NYC is awfully expensive. If you like rodents and bedbugs, stay here.

View near our hostel - it was just a couple of blocks from Empire State Building. By the way - the photos are taken with my iPhone, can you tell I'm addicted to the application called Hipstamatic? :D

Whole Foods Market is one of my favourite stores in the US. I have probably spent more time between the aisles there than checking out the sights...

Goat milk in Whole Foods - wish we could get this as easily in Finland as well. It's not allowed to sell goat milk for drinking purpose, so it has to be labeled "goat bath milk" in Finnish ;)

One of the yummy post workout meals in Whole Foods. Most days we went to train in Crunch near Union Square and after lifting we headed to Whole Foods to eat. Loaded up on kale, broccoli, some quinoa salad, berries and different protein sources. Probably my last meals with any dairy... as I tested very weak with it on muscle testing day :( There goes my feta cheese, mozzarella and halloumi! I need to ask Tytti to muscle test me on goat milk cheeses and see how that works out.

Gettin' to know Rockefeller once again ;)

This was THE BEST meal during our whole trip. Mambo Sushi in Greenwich Village. The movie Prime (very funny!) had some scenes that were filmed here. I ate teriyaki beef as my main course, it was amazing! And... the broccoli made me very happy too :)

We spent one day exploring Brooklyn. The photo below is from Hanson One Plaza's flea market. Fun vintage clothes, jewelry, local artists, handcrafts, raw chocolate and stuff like that. Beautiful venue!

Tytti enjoying a pedicure in Brooklyn. Our feet and legs were MUSH.

This is inside of the nail salon, what a cute place. It's called Dashing Diva and they have locations in many places in NYC. They took extremely good care of hygiene which is a bonus.

New York skyline from Brooklyn Heights. It looks so bald without WTC towers... glad I got to visit those 10 years ago. But what a tragedy 9/11 was :( My heart goes out to anyone who was closely affected by the incident.

Tytti looking so cute :)

Hipstamatic style skyline.

That tiny little thing in the horizon is the Statue of Liberty.

Tytti's photography skills ;) After this we had a mini lecture about how to adjust the horizon when taking photos (thanks to my sister's excellent photography skills, I've had the same lecture so many times I won't mess it up that often anymore)! :D That's me in the photo.

Brooklyn Bridge from below.

Madison Square tower at night. We went to the movies to see Eat, Pray, Love and I fell asleep :O Not due to the movie (I loved the book!) but due to jetlag and a super long day.

We ate breakfast at Fresh & Co most mornings during our Biosig 1 course. They serve organic coffee, eggs and healthy choices for omelette add-ins. My favourite was... surprise - broccoli & spinach omelette ;)

Before I fly to a new destination, I always check out the places where I want to eat by using Google Maps. It's SO EASY. I think eating bad while travelling is pure laziness. I want to stay true to my lifestyle and hold feeling good as one of my priorities every day. To me, feeling good means that I try to give my body the best foods available so my tummy won't get upset (happens very easily) and that my brain stays as sharp as possible. I pay loads of money for my travels so I really don't want to spend the days wobbling around suffering from brain fog, burping, farting and running for the next toilet :D Jet lag and different food bacteria will do enough to make it difficult!

I've seen the most common sights of NYC a couple of times already but since this was Tytti's first visit to NYC, we decided to buy a tour ticket for two days. CitySights offers an affordable way to see the town - hop on, hop off bus + cruise around Staten Island where the Statue of Liberty is located. The tour guides were very fun, I'm glad we took the bus to see the city! It would have been a very long walk to go around by feet.
The Pump Energy Food, like Whole Foods, is a place where I always eat while I'm in NYC. I have all their locations checked in my NYC map so where ever I am during the day, most of the days I head to Whole Foods or The Pump to get my healthy main meals. The Pump has a great concept: energizing food with loads of protein. I like that!

This is chicken salad with guacamole. At The Pump, they go a long way to serve healthy food. Chicken is marinated in olive oil instead of bad quality veggie oils.
Check out their menu, I've got great ideas for my foods at home just by visiting this place so many times!

This photo is from South Street Seaport. I was sooooooo happy to find new Reebok Classics from the Seaport Mall! They're the most comfy shoes I've ever had. I walked so much in my previous one that they begun to resemble two pink bananas with a rubber sole :D This time I got two pairs... black and silver. With the latter ones, the only thing I'm lacking is an tin foil hat to block voices and mind control ;)

Manhattan Bridge, took the photo during our bus tour.

Sometimes you can see strange things in NYC :D I happen to love animals but this is a little too much...

I'm always amazed by the high risers in New York. In Finland we call a building with six floors a high riser, heh.

The following photos were taken during a boat ride that was included in our NY CitySights tour. That's Chelsea pier, behind is the Empire State Building.

Lady Liberty

The most bland tasting salad I had during our whole trip. Looks awesome but it's easy to tell this stuff did not have the label "organic" in it. Non-organic American strawberries... like cancer in a box :( Their pesticide concetration is VERY high!
They're ranked third in "the dirty dozen", a list of twelwe veggies & fruits containing most pesticides.

Times Square, the most intriguing and anxiety causing place in Manhattan. SO noisy, crowded, colorful, electric. I don't feel good here. But it looks fun in the photos.

Chrysler Building in the background is one of my favourite buildings in NYC. Playing with my Hipstamatic again...

New York Skyline at night. Plus a bridge - it's either Brooklyn Bridge or Manhattan Bridge, but I'm not sure which.

Can you tell Halloween is coming? Pumpkins in all sizes and shapes appeared in the stores during our trip.

Tytti's new lifting shoes... Vibram Five Fingers. Is there anything more funny and cute than this :D

I was SO happy to go to Rhode Island. We were finally able to cook our own food. This is organic ground beef (thanks Mitch!), macadamia nuts, spicy hummus, organic spinach and pear slices. My breakfast actually.

I'll post some course photos in another blog post :) So that's it for now. I'm glad to be home! Enjoying the company of my three furry animals (we have three cats) & not-so-very-furry husband but disgusted by the furry ground beef and broccoli I found in the fridge...
Saloniemen juustola actually sells raw goat milk (and raw cow milk) here in Finland nowadays.
Five fingers are the best lifting shoes :). Movement pattern is much more natural versus using normal indoor shoes.
I love Wholefoods. AND The Pump as well. My husband went crazy when I said I'm going to WholeFoods cause he knew I'm gonna spend two hours for shopping just some basic things.. and that was at least a few times a week. :D
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