Biosignature 1, Day 4, Stockholm

What a day. Actually this is the first day when I really have to go back to my notes to see what we covered, because my brains are mush. Not because there's so much new information, but because  something happened to my body on day 3. We talked about cortisol today and that's the culprit here - because I'm talking about food sensitivities. They are a major source of cortisol overproduction problems.

When you eat foods that the body is intolerant to, it tends to screw up pretty much everything. Cortisol production increases, tissues and joints may get inflammed, head feels strange (cravings, foggy thinking etc), strength level drops, sleep quality drops, you might feel it in the respiratory system, get gut problems... and so on. You could add almost any symptom you can think of here. If you eat foods the body doesn't agree with, it can cause a leaky gut. Foreign proteins enter the bloodstream through disrupted intestinal lining and you're in trouble!

I've had problems with my body (and mind... they're connected as we all know) for some years now, and it's been very difficult to get leaner. Not being lean is a sign of an imbalance in the body. A healthy body should be lean: females 16-20% bodyfat and males below 10%. So right now I'm trying my best to dig deeper to find out the things that are holding me back. I could have just done like I used to: exercise too much and cut down eating to as little as possible, but that most likely won't cut it in the long run. So it has meant putting quite a lot of money to functional medicine tests and also calming down my life that used to be quite stressful. The tests have been such a good investment that I can happily say I'd do it again if I needed to. I won't put my own health to the backseat of my life ever again.

One of the tests I recently got done was a MRT food intolerance test. Since then I've been pretty careful with my food choices. It seems I ate something on on day 3 here that caused a bad reaction, as my energy level hit rock bottom. Below is a part of my MRT test. If you want to see all of the results, you can check out the photos in my Finnish blog. You won't understand the blog text but the MRT test is in English.

 When I woke up this morning, I looked like a tarsier except the bags under my eyes were the size of a gymbag...

In addition to that, my cheeks were the size of an overstuffed chipmunk...

So to answer your question, "is it that critical to stay away from the foods you're intolerant to", what do you think? :)

When I eat a food I'm intolerant to, my whole body just doesn't feel right. I was exhausted the whole day and even walking to the subway made me sweat and left me trying to catch my breath! Could be anything... eggs... some meat I had at breakfast... our dinner last night... I don't know. I've found out that the more conscious I'm about how different foods affect my energy levels, mood etc. the better I'm in tune with my body. One of the most precious things is having a crystal clear, creative mind. Today I've been nowhere near that! Carb cravings, moodiness and mental fatigue, certainly symptoms of eating foods I'm intolerant to.

If you think you might have some intolerances (pretty much all of us do, whether you "feel" them or not), start learning more here. If you have belly fat, it can be a sign of too much cortisol over time. Gluten is the most evil of all, it causes lots of problems. It makes my body feel like a wet spaghetti, plus if I eat it, I crave carbs and sugary junk for a week after a single exposure. It doesn't matter if it's 1mg or 1g or 100g because the effect can be seen in the blood for months. Gluten isn't showing in my MRT test (I hadn't had it in a very very long time) but I know this for a fact, as I've been muscle tested for it several times on Biosig CE courses. The body doesn't lie.

"Gluten has been isolated as a risk factor is so many diseases, that is almost impossible to count them all. At the time of writing this blog, the functional medicine circle has isolated at least 55 diseases linked to it."

So anyhow, it was a good day at the course. We practiced taking quad, ham and pec readings. I think hamstring and pec are the hardest to measure and I can honestly say my skills for measuring them right is still not quite there (sorry, clients). For example, I used to measure pec completely wrong on many people still some time ago (sorry again, clients, my little lab rats :D) until I learned a trick one fellow coach gave me. I might not be the best coach but at least I have initiative! If I had been too critical on myself and been afraid of making mistakes, our business wouldn't be where it is today.

One of my mentors, Krista Schaus whom I first learned about BioSig from, told me: when you're done with the course, begin measuring people as soon as you get home and do it as much as possible. I called some PT's I knew and told them I'd do BioSig for free just to show them what it's like. I did it for them, they started sending their clients in. Their clients got better results, the PT's got better reputation and I got to practice and get new clients. I'm not very fond with doing PT myself so I was able to do what I wanted most, BioSig consults. Win-win situation for everyone.

There was much more stuff but my marshmallow brain can't produce any more wise thoughts right now. So I'll better stop here.

One more thing - today my hubby and I had lunch with Charles & his tech guy, Larry. Some exciting things to come in the near future, I hope. Here's a photo... Joni's comment on his FB status, "when I have my cup of coffee, I have it with Charles Poliquin." ;)